Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Frosty Morning on the Farm

First off I will say, I LOVE my job! I love each and every day. I love my farm work, no matter if it's hot, cold, raining, snowing.....I LOVE IT!!
I taught school for 18 years. There were years that I loved that job. And there were years that I did not.  I'm not going to get on my soapbox about administrators that don't do their job, and parents who don't put their child's best interest at heart, and children that you feel so sorry for and worry about so much that they even haunt your dreams at night. I'll save that for another post. This post is about my job now, as a farm wife. And, no matter what struggles I face as a farm wife, especially when my husband is working out of town, I always say, "It's better than teaching school!"
So.....my day so far has gone like this: Carry 50 pound sacks of feed from the barn to the lot and feed the cows, put out three round bales of hay with the tractor, patch a hole in the fence, separate a calf from it's mom (the calf was ready to be weaned), feed the calf, give her hay, fill her water trough, air up a flat tire, and haul two cart loads of firewood.
Pretty darn productive morning on the farm, if I do say so myself :)
And, this morning, there was a little frost on the pumpkin....errrr......hay.

Happy cows!

Segregation! The cows are all in the same pasture. There's free access to all 3 bales of hay. But the longhorns keep to themselves.

And this new baby is just so darn cute!

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