Saturday, September 19, 2015

Baby Pigs!!

Well here's a story for you.....back in December, well, let me start at the very beginning....
About 12 years ago, my dad gave our youngest daughter a baby pot-bellied pig. Her name was Twinkles. She was solid black, spoiled, temperamental, and sweet. She was not a house pig. She had a winter pen in the hay barn and a summer pen in the shade. She liked to eat tomatoes. And she was very loved. She got sick about two years ago and we discovered that she had a cancerous tumor that was growing rapidly. She passed away peacefully in her sleep one morning and my husband and I buried her at the farm.
We talked about getting our daughter another pig, but she was off at college and not home much and we decided against it.
Well.....back in December, a pair of mini pot-bellied pigs just showed up at our house. A male and a female. They weren't quite full grown. We still, to this day, have no idea where they came from. We put pictures on Facebook, talked to the neighbors, etc.... and nobody claimed them.
So we kept them. We named them Fred and Ethel. Fred has never appeared very mature in the male region of his anatomy and we thought that he had been neutered. Nope. And Ethel had been putting on some weight recently and we thought that she was just getting fat. Wrong again. Yesterday morning when I went to the pig pen to feed them I found seven little baby piggies!! Of course this is a time when my husband is out of town for work (this type of thing always happens when he's gone). I made a make-shift pen to separate Fred from Ethel and the babies and attempted to barricade any spots that were big enough for a tiny little baby to get out. So far, so good. They're all alive and well this morning and in the pen.
Oh also.....late last night I started reading online about the care of newborn mini pot-bellied pigs and discovered they needed heat lamps even though it was in the 70s here. So, at 1:00 a.m. in my nightgown I was putting heat lamps on the babies. This should be interesting......

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